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November – December
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Cory Doctorow: Kistestvér
Szerzőket, szerkesztőket keresünk!

Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti


  Feltöltötte: Nibela (2012.08.31.)
  Módosította: --
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Szerző: Valentine, Genevieve
Kiadó: Prime Books
Megjelenés éve: 2011
Terjedelem: 320 oldal
Nyelv: angol
Díjak: Nebula
Kategória: modern fantasztikus

Értékelés: 0 (0) | Értékeld Te is!
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Kínálja: 0 | Keresi: 0 | tag

Come inside and take a seat; the show is about to begin...

Outside any city still standing, the Mechanical Circus Tresaulti sets up its tents. Crowds pack the benches to gawk at the brass-and-copper troupe and their impossible feats: Ayar the Strong Man, the acrobatic Grimaldi Brothers, fearless Elena and her aerialists who perform on living trapezes. War is everywhere, but while the Circus is performing, the world is magic.

That magic is no accident: Boss builds her circus from the bones out, molding a mechanical company that will survive the unforgiving landscape.

But even a careful ringmaster can make mistakes.

Two of Tresaulti\'s performers are entangled in a secret standoff that threatens to tear the circus apart just as the war lands on their doorstep. Now the Circus must fight a war on two fronts: one from the outside, and a more dangerous one from within.



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Admin 2012.12.31. 16:27 | # 0
Könyv felvéve: 2012.12.31.